Welcome New and Returning Families

The Da Vinci Boosters welcome your family to the 2024-25 school year! The Boosters are the parent teacher organization for both Da Vinci Jr. High School and Da Vinci High School. We are an inclusive community dedicated to supporting our teachers and students.

Welcome Letter 2024-2025 (en español)

Please join us in our work to create opportunities for our teachers and students!  We need everyone’s help! You can help your student by…

Volunteering your time—assisting with teacher appreciation events, writing grants, beautifying our school, chaperone student activities–bring your skill and in the Da Vinci spirit we will find a way to apply your talents. 

Donating! Last year Boosters raised $30,000 to fund projects at both schools, examples listed on the reverse. We need your help to provide the same, hopefully more.


We are a community and everyone’s participation matters, making your gift is more important than the amount. While our financial goal is to raise $75 for every student our main goal is to increase the number of gifts we receive.  

  • If you can only afford $5 we welcome your donation!
  • If you can afford $75 for each of your Da Vinci students, all the better!
  • And if you are fortunate enough to be able to donate more, please consider extending your generosity to fund more of our students. 

Our goal is 500 gifts from our nearly 600 families. Every gift matters! 
Please give what you are able.

Nugget Scrip Program

Another way to secure our funding is the Nugget Scrip program.

If you already shop at Nugget or at Food4Less, pick up a Nugget Scrip card at the DVHS front office or at the Guest Service Desk in a Nugget store, then sign up at https://scrip.nuggetmarket.com/ to register your card. Make sure to choose Da Vinci Boosters as your beneficiary.

Show your card every time you shop at Nugget or Food4Less and Da Vinci Boosters – i.e. your students and teachers – will then receive a percentage donation whenever you shop, at no cost to you. Once you are signed up, get your relatives and friends to sign up as well. (We are also looking for a volunteer to help manage the Scrip program).

Boosters Leadership:

  • President: Valerie Thompson
  • Vice Presidents: Rachel Teagle, Bruce Lidl
  • Treasurer: Brandy Guest
  • Secretary: Svenja Kadegge